PDFSign overview


PDFSign ensures that the PDF / A or ZUGFeRD conformity is maintained even when applying the (visible) signature.

PAdES Standard

PDFSign is compatible with PAdES Part 2 and PAdES-LTV (Long Term Validation) standard.


PDFSign also supports the SHA256 and SHA512 hash algorithms (known as SHA2) as well as RSA2048 and longer keys.

Longterm validation

With PDFSign, a document can be signed and timestamped for long-term validation. PDFSign supports advanced digital signatures that include embedded RFC 3161 compliant secure timestamps.

Signature representation configurable

PDFSign offers all possibilities to configure the visual representation of the visible applied signature. In addition to a variety of parameters, the position and the pages – First, Last, All – can be set.

Invoice signatures

The PDF/A and ZUGFeRD compatibility of the signatures generated by PDFSign enables both individual (interactive) and larger quantities (batch processing) to be digitally signed to invoices.

More about PDFSign

Features, licensing and activation

PDFSign is used to sign PDF documents with a X.509 certificate. In addition to the single signature, even larger amounts of documents can be signed in a stack to save time. Since signing also guarantees that a document has not been subsequently changed, signing must always be the last step in document creation.

Information: WIKI | PDFBlog | YouTube

PDFSign-FM is installed as a service on an MS Windows computer and is able to monitor one or more input folders via configured jobs. The incoming PDFs in the folders are recognized and processed either immediately or at a specific time and stored in the associated output folder.

PDFSign-CL – allows PDF, PDF / A or ZUGFeRD documents to be signed and / or timestamped. PDFSign CL provides its functionality in the form of a command line application.

PDFSign-CS is a Windows service to provide PDF or PDF/A documents via a SOAP or REST web service interface with a timestamp or with an electronic signature.

DropSignProtect also enables multiple PDF documents to be signed, protected, and encrypted directly using drag & drop or a monitored folder. DropSignProtect is an executable MS-Windows application that can be started automatically. DropSignProtect is based on the functions of our PDFSign – Component.

You can easily buy our products in our WebShop.

Of course you can also inquire directly and get an offer from us for your order.

The products are installed as a DEMO version at the workplace and can be tested with all functions for 30 days. Afterwards, the software must be activated as a full version, otherwise a DEMO stamp will be applied to the generated documents.

The products are licensed according to your order for the workstation, terminal server or server.

The licenses are tied to the workplace where it was activated first. Licenses can be transferred.

When you purchase a full license, you will receive access data from the ProductActivationManager and activate your DEMO version as a full version. The activation key is called via a server installed in our house and accessible via the Internet.

Product Activation

You can activate the products by clicking the user interface on the button “Activate” in the “Info” or “About” or start the Product Activation Manager directly via Start | Programs | Your Product | Product Activation Manager.

Activate Application: ONLINE (Video: PAM – ONLINE Activation)

Activate the product with user ID and password. Select the Application (left side) and then “Activate Application”. You will be prompted for user ID and password and then see all the remaining free licenses to choose from. Select one and click “OK” – Activation Complete! This variant requires an internet connection!

Please note that the licenses are hardware bound. The use on another computer is possible only through a prior release (MOVE) of the already activated licenses.

Move license (to new PC) (Video: PAM – MOVE License)

This option allows to transfer a license to a different PC. Input of UserID und Passwort is necessary! Product will remain as demo version on your PC.

OLD PC: ProductActivationManager | select license | „Move License“ Button | Username / Password | OK

NEW PC: ProductActivationManager | select application | „Activate Application“ Button | Username / Password | select license | OK





V 1.5.32 Download

Provide PDF, PDF/A and ZUGFeRD via Folder Monitoring with signature / timestamp


V 1.4.4 Download

CommandLine application

PDFSign Component

V 3.2.13 Download

Test and demo application


V 1.1.24 Download

Interactive application to protect and sign PDF

PDFSign .NET component: The PDFSign .NET component can be used for the development of Windows Server and desktop applications. (Visual Studio 2005 – 2012 / Visual Studio 2013 / Visual Studio 2015)

Programming languages: C #, VB.NET, ASP.NET, Visual C ++, Windows PowerShell.

Supported operating systems: Windows7 or higher, including Windows Server 2012/2016 and Windows 10. PDFSign .NET component requires .NET Framework 3.5 or higher.

Please note Windows service – access to network resources – what should be considered? ★ Information in PDFBlog

Information: WIKI | PDFBlog | YouTube

PDFSign-CS PDF & PDF/A Sign service


V 2.3.5 Download

MS-Windows Service
SOAP or REST web service interface


V 1.2.1 Download

FREE Hot Folder / Folder Monitoring add-on for the PDFPrint-CS version.


V 1.2.5 Download

FREE CommandLine add-on for the PDFPrint-CS version.



EUR 990,-
  • PDF or PDF/A documents via a SOAP or REST web service interface with a time stamp or with an electronic signature.


EUR 150,- / 990,-
  • Workstation / Server license - Command line application for PDF, PDA/A and ZUGFeRD to sign and timestamped.


EUR 990,-
  • PDF, PDF/A and ZUGFeRD provided by folder monitoring with signature / timestamp.

Plug-in PDFSign

Prices in Shop
  • eDocPrintPro Plug-in - workstation or terminal server license to digitally sign PDF documents.


EUR 90,-
  • Interactive workstation application to protect and sign PDFs

